Oppression of people, on any basis, is as low as it gets.
Invading and occupying a land, is as low as it gets.
Terrorizing innocent human beings, is as low as it gets.
Using Chemical Weapons (Winston C, had to bring you into this), is as low as it gets.
Engaging in Apartheid, is as low as it gets.
Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide, Mass Starvation (welcome back Winston C), the Holocaust - these are all as low as it gets.
Profiting from all of that - hello, colonial empires - that may be even more contemptible.
What a fool I was to think that people couldn't go lower. Of course they could. Of course Donald Trump could.
The incomprehensible sheer inhumanity - it's utter and complete dehumanization - of releasing a "fun filled" AI generated video showcasing how you plan to profiteer [link goes to the Guardian article which includes the offensive video] from the above.
Violence. Fraud. Treachery. The last three Circles of Hell. Seems to me that Dante needs to come back and add a 10th.
I have no words. Thank you Rohan for bringing this to my attention. My only hope is that this will help his supporters see Trump for the fascist that he is.